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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Agility Handler: Elli Margolius

How it all began…

“My mum got involved in agility when I was very young which sparked my love of the sport. I was just 7 years old when I started attending junior camps and training sessions as well as competing including junior events like OJAC.”

Elli is currently involved in…

“As well as running my own dogs in agility, I frequently run and train other peoples’ dogs. I love working with a range of dogs to build my handling skills and to better understand how to train different breeds and personalities.” 

Elli’s current dogs…

4 Cocker x Poodle crossbreeds

Flo – aged 12

Remy – aged 10

Dora – aged 7

Nelly – aged 6

Elli’s most memorable success…

“One of my most memorable successes was winning International Young Handler U12 at KCIAF with my dog Remy which meant I went on to compete in the main ring at the festival when I was just 11 years old.”

Elli’s other successes…

“I qualified for Crufts 2017 Agility Dog Of The Year (YKC) aged 11 and placed 5th with a German Shepard x Collie named Katie. I have gained UKA WCSC and 2 CSCs in steeplechase and I am now aiming for the Outstanding Achievement Award with Remy. As an older dog, I want her to take things a little easier but she loves being in the ring, so this seems the best option for her. 2nd Overall Junior Champion at OJAC with Dora.
Qualified for Grand Finals for 4 consecutive years from 2017 and hope to qualify again in 2021 with many years to come.”

It’s not just competing…

After attending a junior Global Judging Program training day Elli recently became a UKA Judge with her first judging appointment during 2021.
She really enjoys all aspects of agility, not just competing, and helps regularly and learns lots about the sport through working as show crew at events including CSJ Open and Grand Finals.

What Elli uses and says about CSJ…

“CSJ supplements and treats provide my dogs with all the extras they need to supplement their raw feeding and keep them in brilliant condition. My older dog particularly is kept fit and healthy so she can continue to do the sport she loves.

Elli’s Contact Details 

01525 861853

07770 404774

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