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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Obedience Handler: Joanna Hewelt

Joanna says,

“I was 15 years old when I got my first dog. I always dreamed about working with dogs.”

Search and Rescue

Joanna joined the Search and Rescue Group of Voluntary Fire Department in Gdansk in 1999.

Following on…

Joanna also got involved in dog sports, mainly Obedience.

Joanna’s current dogs

The famous Airedale Terrier ‘Lord Ludwig’ (5 years old) and her 12 year old yellow Labrador ‘Hugo’.

What is your biggest or most memorable success?

“My biggest success is that I reached the highest level of obedience and search and rescue with a Terrier. This is a difficult breed but we managed to beat other breeds including many Shepherds and Retrievers!”

As an owner, competitor and instructor Joanna has numerous reasons to be proud…

“Both my dogs passed the exams of searching in open area and on disaster area. Also my Terrier got many prizes in obedience trials… in 2009 he won the Polish Obedience Cup in Class 2 and also the 1st prize in Polish Championship in International Class.”
“I am very satisfied with CSJ food and my dogs also. They are in great condition and I like the herbal smell of the food.” 

Joanna’s Contact Details

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