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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Gundog Handlers: Kerry & Chloe Roberts

How it all began…

Kerry’s inspiration was her Auntie, who bred and exhibited Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and introduced her to showing in the early 1980s.

The success…

Ginny, Byphar Bombay Sapphire JW, their 3 year old, has her Junior Warrant title and qualified for the JW semi-finals at discover dogs 2019. She also has 1 CC and a BOB along with many BPs. Belle, their 15 month old, is full sister to Ginny (from a repeat mating). She had 4 shows before lockdown and gained 4 Best Puppy in breeds. Kerry says,

“Very sad to not show her but hopefully when showing comes back she’ll remember her job.”

Ringcraft training…

Kerry and Chloe attend ringcraft with their dogs and Kerry is also a ringcraft trainer.

“We train the dogs together, which is great … I love training youngsters ringcraft as a teacher training young people to enjoy showing is a real joy.”

For the future?

Kerry says,

“Just enjoy what I’m doing with my dogs and hope judges like what I produce in my kennel.”

Kerry and Chloe feed their dogs on CSJ’s Complete Tripe and say,

“My show team look great on CSJ Complete Tripe along with supplement for show dogs.”

Kerry & Chloe’s Contact Details 

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Kerry Roberts

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