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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Show Dog Handler: Moira Ellett Owner & Exhibitor

Moira currently has 2 Borzoi – Gibbs and Magee, who are ‘like chalk and cheese.’

How it all began…

Moira’s love affair with Borzoi began over twenty years ago when she went as a spectator to a local show and met an elderly lady with two Borzoi.

After researching them and getting in touch with the breed clubs she got her first and has had and loved six Borzoi since… each with their own different personalities.

A baptism of fire with picky eating dogs!

Moira had gundogs before (and we all know how greedy they are), so owning a fussy Borzoi was a shock.

2019 brings success…

Moira told CSJ,

“Gibbs will be five in January, sweet and gentle in nature but a picky eater. After an eventual year regarding his health last year he had lost 15k in weight.
He is now at 40k – the heaviest he has been, back to good health and in wonderful coat.
My other borzoi, Magee, also aged four is of a larger frame and a very greedy boy prone to being overweight. When I got Magee two years ago he was 44k but I have managed to get him down to 42k and this year has been awarded two Reserve CCs at Championship shows.
“Both my boys are on CSJ and both (in my eyes) look fantastic on it – both fit, well and content.”

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