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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Mary Carter Satanta Kennel – Expert Advice

Say goodbye to ZRD with CP30 & Salmon Oil

“Satanta Wingfoot Express, would have red flaky patches mainly on her face by her nose & mouth and on the inside of her ears – there was also loss of hair on these patches & it made her otherwise pretty face look quite unsightly. It is a condition that is frequently seen in Siberian Huskies and other Northern breeds due to their heritage & evolution.

The condition would vary in its severity, depending on season & activity level and occasionally required antibiotics to resolve secondary infection. We treated and tried to prevent flare ups by supplementing her diet with zinc tablets and adding a cube of raw liver to her daily ration.

When we began feeding CSJ, we believed that the natural salmon based foods would give the Siberian huskies the nutrition that closely resembled the diet of their ancestors and amongst other benefits help keep the ZRD at bay.

It was not many months before we started to see the tell tale signs & a reddened patch with hair loss appeared on the side of her face.

The CP30 did exactly that & Toots’ days of ZRD were long behind her…we gave away our stocks of Zinc supplements before they went out of date & she had 3 years of looking just her beautiful self . Until, upon her retirement from competitive racing (at age 11 yrs!) … we changed her food to a non salmon based CSJ maintenance diet.

We decided that rather than go back down the route of zinc supplements, we swapped Toots diet back to CP30, plus added in 2 pumps of Salmon Oil per day. The turn around was remarkable, and within 4 weeks the patch had disappeared & her fur had grown back.

Thank you CSJ once again for providing the appropriate nutrition for our dogs, keeping them performing & looking the best there could be!

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– a turn in the right direction
Satanta Siberians

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