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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Agility Handler: Steven Richardson

Steven won the Silver Medal in Pentathlon with his Patterdale  x Collie, Libby, in 2015 at the World Agility Open Championships in the Netherlands.

He teaches agility, life skills for puppies and young dogs and agility foundation classes and said about CSJ…

“All of my dogs have done brilliantly on CSJ, it provides them with an excellent sustained energy source to compete and fulfil their potential. They also love the complementary CSJ products, Gnaw Rolls and the Training tips are the perfect reward when clicker training.” 

At 2015…

Steven owned 4 dogs (mostly ‘rescues’ or ‘rehomes’):

Really – Libby – Sheltie x Collie

Really – Digit – Sheltie x Collie

Really – Teddy – Poodle x Cairn Terrier

…and his newest addition, “the beautiful Future” – Border Collie

At that point Steven’s long list of fantastic successes included:

Winning 21 Championship tickets with Libby

Winning 4 other Champ tickets with different dogs (now retired)

Representing Team GB at the European Open

Representing Team England at the WAOs

Competing at Crufts, winning the British Open (2014) and Medium Team Event (2014)and gaining Reserve in the Championship and 2nd place in the Crufts singles

Competing at Olympia, and taking 2nd place in 2011 with Libby

At 2024…

Over the last 9 years CSJ has grown used to hearing about Steven’s amazing legion of successes – too many to mention!

Crufts 2023 is just one example, with Steven winning the hotly contested Intermediate Agility Championships with his Border Collie bitch Gamble.

Then, in May 2024 Gamble (to give her full title – Agility Champion Moel Gamble Demonic Risk) has qualified again for Crufts 2025 by winning the Intermediate Championship Final at the Woodside DAC Show.

CSJ’s founder Ceri Rundle, herself a world-renowned sheepdog breeder, trainer and triallist says,

“I’m extremely proud to have bred Moel Gamble who is perfectly owned, trained and partnered with Steven Richardson”.

Follow the link below to see a breath-taking reel showing how super-fit Gamble winged her way to win at the Intermediate Championship Final at the Woodside DAC Show.

When not competing?

Steven teaches agility, life skills for puppies and young dogs and agility foundation classes.

“All of my dogs have done brilliantly on CSJ, it provides them with an excellent sustained energy source to compete and fulfil their potential. They also love the complementary CSJ products, Gnaw Rolls and the Training tips are the perfect reward when clicker training.”

Steven’s Contact Details 

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