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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Sheepdog Handler: Terena Plowright

“Their coats no longer have a whiff to them, they are not looking for food all the time as they are content, my old dog used to need to wee in the night (for 2 years) and she goes right through without a hitch, Sweep has boundless energy (which is important as he is outside so much), and they look great which is a big bonus. I am really happy as the nutritionist made the right assessment of the two dogs.”

From college to being a shepherd managing 2500 milking sheep…

Terena’s journey with dogs began after being at college and needing part time work, so got a job on a farm.

Within 2 years she was the shepherd managing a flock of 2,500 milking sheep in Hampshire!

She worked there for about 15 years.

When she needed a dog, Katy Cropper (“Remarkably” says Terena) gave her Splash (out of Trim) and Splash taught her how to enjoy having a partnership with a sheepdog.

Getting even more involved in sheepdogs…

Terena enjoyed the work so much she decided to put together a demonstration which she took to schools and shows.

Now she regularly does shows in the South of England and has different groups out to the farm to see the demo using a group of geese!

More about the dogs

Terena now has 2 Border Collies – one retired female (Wocki) aged 12 yrs and one working male aged 3 (Sweep).

“Splash died years ago and her daughter Wocki has now retired. This leaves Sweep and I to continue our partnership into the future.”

When asked for her most memorable or biggest success, Terena says…

“Getting Splash to go and get 300 sheep, bring them up the track, through the farm safely whilst I got the milking parlour ready – every morning! But from a career perspective it was appearing on Channel 4 and working a dog on a programme called something like Magnificent Beasts”

Other memories…

Terena cherishes lots of special moments with dogs in education (which to her mind is huge – especially in London when the kids in one deprived area thought all dogs were fighting dogs so they were really inspired!).

Also lots of success with small shows where the adults and children have a chance to really get close to the animals and talk about the dogs and ask questions – Terena prefers this as it isn’t just an act, but it involves the public.

Terena trains dogs on many levels and in different aspects…

  • Sheepdogs – to a basic farming level for other people
  • Dog attacks – runs a course for dogs not to attack sheep and teach people that you can never be 100% certain a dog will not attack. This is mainly for gundogs and search and rescue dogs
  • Pet dogs – giving a good basic level of training

Terena’s Contact Details

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