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CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds

Agility Handler: Toni Dawkins

How the story began…

Toni was raised with Border Collies. Her mother did Obedience and later introduced Toni to Agility when she started her own club.
25 years on she teaches Agility world-wide and says,

“I love it! I am also a hydrotherapist and take my dogs’ fitness very seriously.”

Amongst the huge multitude of successes the most memorable is?

“My most memorable success is winning the Crufts Championships with both my dogs the same year. One in the Medium, and one in the Large.”

Toni currently owns three Border Collies and One Mini American Shepherd….

Minx (Border Collie) – 14 years old
A retired Agility Champion with eight tickets to her name.

Beep (Border Collie) – 9 years old
Also retired Grade 7, she competed at Crufts and qualified for the Olympia semis.

Cute (Border Collie) – 6 years old
Grade 7, he has run at Crufts and qualified for Olympia three times, last year finishing 12th against the best.

Sunflower (MAS) – 22 months
Toni’s first small dog – started competing in October and is already Grade 6. Toni says she is very excited about this season with her…

“My dogs have been fed CSJ for the last 16 years and I have no complaints. They love the food, are full of energy and I have no plans to ever change.
Thank you CSJ!”

Toni’s Contact Details 




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